
Injured Workers' Day - June 1st, 2024.

On June 1st every year, Injured Workers’ Day is an opportunity to recognize the individuals who have suffered injuries and fatalities as a result of their workplace conditions, but it is also a time to rally and celebrate the gains made through united action, raise current concerns, and remind governments we cannot be ignored. The day commemorates June 1st, 1983 when over three thousand injured workers forced a government committee looking at major changes to Ontario’s workers’ compensation system to conduct a public hearing on the steps of the Legislature.

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National Day of Mourning - April 28, 2024

Marked annually in Canada on April 28th, the National Day of Mourning is dedicated to remembering those who have lost their lives or suffered injury or illness due to a workplace tragedy. First held in 1984 by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Day of Mourning was adopted officially by the Canadian Labour Congress in 1986. More than 100 countries now observe the Day too. The observance of this day is meant to honour the lives of workers lost, but it is also a collective committment to improving health and safety conditions in the workplace, and to prevent further injuries, illnesses, and deaths.

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OHCOW's RSI Day Webinar Series 2024

The Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) is pleased to announce the return of our free annual international event focussed on Repetitive Strain Injuries and their prevention. Now in its 25th year, OHCOW’s RSI Day program continues to translate the knowledge and experience of our professional staff and guest speakers to increase awareness and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. Due its ever-expanding audience, this year’s event will again be held virtually, as a 4-week webinar series over the month of February.

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Workers' Comp Is A Right! - December 10, 2018 at 11:30am

Workers’ Comp is a Right! Join us for a province-wide week of action from December 10th to the 14th, and take a stand for fairness for injured workers! In Toronto, we’re kicking the week off with a rally on Monday, December 10th at 11:30am outside the Ministry of Labour located at 400 University Avenue - view map for directions. Click here to access a PDF of the 2018 Toronto Rally Poster.

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Injured Workers' Demonstration - December 11, 2017 at 11:30am

All We Want for Christmas is Fair Workers’ Comp! Injured Workers’ Holiday Outreach Blitz. Toronto: Meet at 11:30am at Yonge & Dundas Square [Map] Contact for more information or visit the Facebook event page. On Monday December 11th, join us in communities across the province, to celebrate the strength and resilience of injured workers who refuse to back down from the struggle for fair compensation. The holiday season can be a difficult time for injured workers who have been forced into poverty because of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s focus on saving its own money by slashing compensation benefits.

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Annual Report 2017

The Workers’ Health and Safety Legal Clinic’s Annual Report outlines the activities and initiatives that were made in pursuit of advocating for workers’ rights. It further details the Clinic’s efforts to continue providing consistently high quality services in a cost-effective, efficient and innovative manner. The Clinic provides such legal services as advice, representation, public legal education and law reform concerning occupational health and safety and related workplace laws. The following PDF documents are available for review -

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Summer 2017 Newsletter – Vol. 25, No. 2

The Workers’ Health and Safety Legal Clinic is pleased to publish its Summer 2017 Newsletter – Vol. 25, No. 2. In this publication, you will find commentary about clinic casework and law reform efforts, as well as meet our new staff. Read more on these issues in the Summer 2017 Clinic Newsletter.

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¡Buena Paga! --- Voces Latinas 1610AM - Sábado 10 de junio de 2017 a las 3:00 pm

El tema de esta semana: Accidentes en el lugar de trabajo - Cómo reportarlos a WSIB. El sábado 10 de junio a las 3:00 pm, Julio Díaz discutirá cómo reportar un accidente en el lugar de trabajo a la Compensación (“WSIB”). Durante el show, los oyentes y las oyentes aprenderán a reportar una enfermedad o lesión en el trabajo, qué deben decir cuando reciben atención médica por una lesión y qué pasos se deben tomar para presentar una reclamación de compensación de trabajadores con el WSIB.

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Injured Workers’ Day - June 1st, 2017 at 11:30am, Queen’s Park

Workers’ Compensation is a Right! Injured Workers’ Day Rally and March. Despite the epidemic of precarious, unsafe, and toxic work, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is more concerned with its own bottom line than with protecting the well-being of injured workers in Ontario. We need to come together and demand our right to workers’ compensation. Join us on the streets! June 1st , 2017 — 11:30am - at Queen’s Park.

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¡Buena Paga! --- Voces Latinas 1610AM - Sábados a las 3:00pm

A partir del sábado 3 de junio a las 3:00pm, Julio Díaz conducirá un programa semanal de radio sobre los problemas en el trabajo que afectan a los trabajadores indocumentados de habla hispana. Cada semana habrá un nuevo tema e invitados especiales. También se presentarán escenarios de problemas en el trabajo y se contestarán llamadas de los oyentes, quienes traerán sus propias experiencias y conocimientos a la discusión. Sintoniza en Voces Latinas – 1610AM cada sábado de 3:00pm a 4:00pm para discutir diferentes problemas en el lugar de trabajo.

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